I decided to have another look at a different promotional package within the genre of Horror or Thriller. I choose to annotate the Wolf Creek's promotional package. This includes the Wolf Creek Film Poster One, Wolf Creek Film Poster Two, and the Wolf Creek Film Trailer. Just like The Hills Have Eyes Promotional Package I have chosen two film poster, apart from the wolf Creek hasn't got a sequel; the reason why I have done this is because even though these film posters are for the same film both posters are completely different. I think it would be interesting to see how both of these films represent the same film. As i have mentioned before, it is very unlike a Horror or Thriller film to be on the cover of a magazine, and this is why i haven't been about to find one for the Wolf Creek film.
Wolf Creek Film Poster One
This is a film poster for the film Wolf Creek. This film posters includes all of the usual convention apart from a release date and the actor's or actress's Title, but as this film is based on true events it would be very unlikely to have any well know actor's or actress's. Apart from the usual convention this Wolf Creek poster also includes the age certificate and a quote and rating of the film from the film magazine Empire. This quite and rating would defiantly be a good persuasive technique for those viewers who enjoy reading Empire and enjoy Thriller and Horror films. For a viewer who is under the age of eighteen and enjoys Thriller and horror films would be tempted to go see this film as the eighteen certificate implies that the film contains strong violence and maybe strong language. The Tag Line for Wolf Creek is 'How Can You Be Found If No-one Knows You are Missing?'. This Tag Line tells the viewer that the film could be based on someone or a group of people going missing. Also having the Tag Line as a question gets the viewer more involved with the story of the film, and makes then question what could this film actually be about. The contrast of the warm and dark colours in this poster is a lot similar to a previous poster I annotated for The Hills Have Eyes 2 film. Having this contrasts implies to the viewer that the film could have either a huge change or turn, or their could be two parts to the story where they both join together. As wolf Creek is about a group of friend who go driving through the desert going on a road trip while their car breaks and some man kid naps them; this could be the dramatic change in the story where the film starts of with a happy atmosphere with the group of friends being excited about the road trip and two of the friends become quite close, to the dark and scared atmosphere of them being kid napped and torched. The warm colours in the contrast also makes it a lot earlier for the dark red and black text to stand out. The main image of this film poster is of a women running along a road with no shoes on in the middle of no where like shes running away from something. This suggests to the viewer that the girl is being chased or running away from something. this builds up the excitement and thrill of them wanting to see the film as they question what the women is running away from. Overall I think this poster for the Wolf creek film tells the viewer a lot about the film, and keeps them in sequence about what actually happens. this would defiantly entice a viewer who enjoys Horror or Thriller genre films to go and watch it, especially those who are under the age of eighteen.
Wolf Creek Film Poster Two This is the second film poster I have decided to annotate from the film Wolf Creek.As you can tell the layout and the image used for this poster is completely different to the previous Wolf Creek film poster I have annotated. As you can see this Wolf Creek poster has some of the normal conventions of a film poster, but it is missing a Billing Block, actor and actresses Titles, but it does include a Tag Line, Title, Main Image and Release Date. It also includes a small bit of text beneath the Film Title saying 'Based on true events' which is also included in the first poster we looked at. This would defiantly intrigue viewers to go and see this film as they would be interested to see what parts of the film was based on true events and people genuinely like to know what goes on in the world. The Tag Line that has been used is a completely different Tag Line to the previous Wolf Creek film poster that I have annotated. This Tag Line is "The thrill is in the hunt." This Tag Line tells the viewers something different, it tells them that something or someone is being hunted, and by the viewer putting the main images and the Tag Line together would guess that these three people are the people being hunted. You can't really tell what is actually hunting these people, but from the text beneath the film Title that says "Based on true events", tells the viewer that it can't be something out of the ordinary or something fictional. The main image on the poster is of three different peoples faces and put together to make it look like a whole face. Each section of the face has got blood patches on them, and from the expressions you can tell that these people are scared. Have these three images put together to make one tells the viewer that the film has three main characters in it. The expression and blood tells the viewer that these people are scared for a reason and the blood tells them that this film could contain strong violence and gorry scenes. for any fans of gorry bloody films, this would defiantly entice them to go and see the film. In a lot of the film poster we have looked at the same colour scheme has been appearing. The black and the warm yellow and orange colours. From these colours this would tell the viewer that the Wolf Creek starts of as a happy film with these three characters having fun or just living ordinary lives, but then as the story continues something bad starts to happen and they get hunted by this thing or person, and that's what the black colours represent. As I have watched this film before i know that this these colours defiantly represent this.
Wolf Creek Film Trailer
This is a trailer for the film Wolf Creek. the trailer starts off with an establishing shot of a beach. this sets the scene for the next few shots. as we already know the genre of this film is horror and thriller, so there is bound to be a dramatic change in the atmosphere. The trailer then shows a few close up of some friends at the beach. The acoustic music playing in the background also adds to setting the relaxing enjoyable atmosphere. A shot of the producers logo then appears. This is included so anyone who has seen a film by this producers before and enjoyed it would most likely want to go and see this film. The trailer then shows a series of shots of these three friends having fun driving to some where or going on holiday. The acoustic music is sound bridged over these shots to add to the atmosphere. A shot is included of these two friends kissing. This is included for those viewers who enjoys romantic films, even though this isn't a romantic film this shot could still encourage them to go and see the film. The acoustic music then stops which alerts the viewer that the atmosphere is about to change and something bad is going to happen. A series of shots are then shown showing the viewer that something is wrong with the car and the three friends can't get it started. One of the friends then say "It looks like were going to be spending the night.". By his saying this alerts the viewer that something is bound to happen durring the time these friends stay in the car. During this whole period there is no music playing which suggests to the viewer that something is going to happen, this creates suspense. The trailer then cuts to a wide long shot of the sunset. This creates more suspense as the viewer already suggests that something is bound to happen during the night. The trailer then cuts to a series of shots of the three friends waiting in the car. These shots also contain close up shots of their faces. This helps the viewer see the emotions they are feeling due to their facial expression. in these series of shots you can also see that the three friends in the car are discovered by some veichile. The three friends suggest that this person can drive them back into town and their car is then tied to the back of this other veicile. during these shots an eery sound effect is sound bridged over them. Then cuts to a shot of the three friends in their car. One of the friends says "It feels like we've been driving for hours.". this suggests to the viewer that something is wrong and this person may not be taking them to the right place. A blank screen with the words "Based on a true story" appear on the screen. These five words would frighten the viewer as they already know something back is about to happen to these three people and knowing what is shown in the rest of the trailer is based on a true story would frighten them even more. This then fades to a close up black and white shot of someones eye. Some people find eyes very unpleasant when you can see the veins. This shot has been used to shock the viewer and make them feel uneasy. A mid shot of one of the friend facing away from the camera staring into a bright light. Where the women is standing it looks like some sort of tip yard. This shot suggests to the viewer that whole ever was driving that veichile didn' take the three friends to where they intended to go. this shot then fades to a mid close up of the women's panicked scared facial expression. This suggests to the viewer that the women has no idea where this man has taken them. The trailer then fades to a fast pan of one of the other friends screaming on the floor in some room. Then cuts to another close up shot of the women's panicked shocked expression. The women's scream is then repeated over the sound of angry dogs backing and the trailer cuts to close up shots of these dogs trapped in a cage. as these dogs seems extremely angry it suggests to the viewer that someone has trained these dogs to be like this. The trailer then cuts to a close up shot of someone walking through the tip. This shot constantly fades in and out creating tension and suspense for the viewer. Over this shot a sound effect is added in time with the fading out of the shot. This adds to the tension and suspense factor. A series of shots are then added of the male friend wondering through some desert with a panicked scared expression and another shot of some bald man looking away from the camera. These shots are short cuts and over the cuts a heart beat is played. This heart beat sound effect makes the viewer feel more involved in the trailer and creates more tension. It suggests that some bad has happened to the three friends. The same fading and sound effect is used of the next shot of one of the friend on a road looking behind her. Her face is covered in blood which suggest that someone has happened to her and she has got away. The trailer then cuts to a shot of a car on the road and the women running away. The heart beat sound effect is also played over these shots which again creates more tension and suspense for the viewer. The same fading and sound effect is use don the next shot, a close up of the other friends scared and panicked face. This suggests that something bad has now happened to her. The next is is of this same women running away from a fire in the tip yard. A series of shots from the film showing people running away, a fire, the friends in pain and a car falling off a cliff. all these shots are using short cuts which suggests to the viewer that a lot of action is included in this film. The same fading out and sound effect is used of some of these shots as well as the heart beat sound effect played over. Alongside the short cuts this all creates tension and excitement for the viewer as they can't really make out what is going on. A long cut of one of them women in a room screaming "Pleased don't kill me" suggest to the viewer that these people have been in dangers and by not showing who this person is encourage them to go and see the film and find out. A shot of the film title then appears and the tag line, 'How can you be found, when nobody knows you are missing?'. this tag line suggests to its viewers that these people never get saved and this person ends up killing them. You can then hear a women breathing panicky and the trailer fades to a shot of the women in a car and a mans face appears in the back. This shot is included at the end to created more tension for the viewer before the trailer finishes .Then cuts to as shot saying "coming soon". The costume that the actors and actress's are wearing are all modern clothes. The producers have decided they wear these sorts of clothes to match the theory that this film is based on true events. This gives the trailer a more sense a realistic which adds to the thriller and horror factor of the whole trailer. A lot of the trailers shots are set in the dark, this creates more suspense for the viewer as they can not see what is lying in the shadows. also makes the trailer more thrilling. Overall I think the trailer as a whole creates a lot of tension and suspense using the sound effects and short cuts. In doing so it encourages anyone who enjoys watching horror and thriller films to go and see this trailer. By including the text 'Based on a true story' would straight away interest a viewer as they would like to know what happens. Also by including this text makes the trailer as a whole more thrilling and exciting.
Continuing on with the Horror and Thriller genre, i decided to annalise a The Last House On The Left promotional package. This includes The Last House On The Left Film Poster, and The Last House On The Left Film Trailer; as both of the posters for this film were very similar i decided not to annotate both of them because the only difference was the house as at a different angle, also this promotional package doesn't include a film magazine front cover because one hasn't been made for this film. It is very rare to find a film magazine front cover for a Horror or Thriller film.
The Last House On The Left Film Poster
This is the film poster for The Last House On The Left film. As you can see this film poster has most of the convention that a film poster would usually have, apart from the release date and the actor's or actress's title. But the poster still includes the film's Title, Billing Block, and the Tag Line. The first thing i notice about the film poster is the lack of colour used. Most of the poster is black and their is only a white area around the black and white house in the centre of the poster. This slight contrast of having black and a tiny bit of white suggests to the viewer that this film is very dark and mysterious. Having the main image of a house in the middle of no where with trees around it is a typical image that someone would create in their head of a horror film. Having this as the main image may put people off seeing the film as it is so common. But having the image in black and white creates a more erry effect which could win them over to see the film. Having the main image in the centre of the poster and really small makes a lot of room for the main title and stand out a lot more. As the largest thing on the page is the films Title this would catch the viewers eye first. This is unusual for the film poster to be designed for the film's Title to stand out more than the main image. Having the background being black and the Title being white and red adds to it standing out more. The word 'House' in the Title stands out more than the other words as it is in red and has got a smugged blood effect on it. This effect suggests to the viewer that the film includes a lot of violence, and for those who enjoy strong violent films this poster would defiantly appeal to them. Overall though i think comes across very creepy and mysterious, which is good for building up tension for the viewers, but as the poster is so simple and hardly tells the viewer anything about the film, I don't think it represents The House On The Left very well. This film poster could be a poster for any Horror or Thriller film that involves a house in it. I think the design should of been kept the same, but maybe a completely different image to give away more of what the film is actually about, instead of just a house.
The Last House On The Left Film Trailer
This is the film trailer for the film Wolf Creek. The trailer starts off with an establishing shot, which sets the scene for the trailer. This shot showsing a car driving on a road through a woodland area. Over this shot you can hear a mans voice saying "Are we there yet". Usially in a car journey this is something that a child would say, so this is very out of the oridnary and questions the viewer what is this film actually about. Then it goes straight to a two shot with a young teen aged women driving the car and an older women sitting in the passenger seat. This is unusually, as it is usually an older person driving than them being in the passenger seat. Then quickly the shot changed to a mid close up of the young women who is drivings face. The women says in this shot "We are making the turning now". Again using a short cut shows a mid close shot of a man lying down in the back of a car saying "It's the last house of the left in case you forgotten". This is very unusual again having an adult lying in the back seat when usually they are the ones driving the veichil. Have these shots in very short cuts could show the confusion between the characters relationships and their seating in the car defiantly adds to the confusion. Then moves on to two other shots very similar to the first establishing show, these two shows show the car driving further into the woodland area and a sign that says "Lake ends in the road". as i have seen this film before part of the film is set in a lake, and this could be foreshadowing what happens later on in the film. Over these two shots you hear the young women's voice again saying "It is the only house for miles dad", This tells the viewers that something is bound to happen and no one is going to be able to get any help as they are so fat away from everything else. The trailer than cuts to a blue screen with the publisher of The Last House On The Left. For any fans of Rogue Pictures or fans of their films would be enticed to watch The Last House On The Left knowing that they have published it. Next the trailer goes to a wide shot of the same girl standing by a lake taking her top off; showing more clippings of this girl compared to the rest of the characters in the trailers shows that she plays a big part in the film. The next shot is in the same scene but is just a close mid shot of the girl taking her top of ready to jump into the lake. I think the purpose of this shot is to entice a wider audience to watch the film, having a girl taking her top of and just being in her bra would encourage young males to go and see the film. In this shot you can hear the same girls voice asking someone " Do you guys need the car today?". Then the shot fades into a wide shot where the girl goes and sits down next to her mum out side, but the shot is taken be hide some trees so it gave the effect that someone or something was watching them. This questions the viewers to what might be watching then, or if anything is at all. The next shot cuts to the same scene with the girl sitting with her mum but to a close up. Over this shot you hear the girls voice again saying " I was thinking we could meet up with Paige." the trailer then cuts to a mid shot of her dad throwing the key to her and saying "Have fun." Changes then to a shot of a car driving down a road, this shows that the girl was allowed to borrow the car, but making her being allowed to borrow the car and going to meet her friend Paige could mean that something bad is going to happen. The trailer then cuts to a completely different scene of a close up of a lads face with his hood up. Over this shot you can hear a girl saying "I don't think we've met, I'm Paige and this is Mary. What do you feel like doing tonight?". While this is being played the shot quickly goes from a close up of the lads face to Paige's face and then to Mary's face, then back to lads muttering "Hey." under his breathe. Have a close up of all three of their faces show that these three characters play a big part in the film. also the way how the lad is represented with his hood up and muttering under his breathe shows that their is something creepy about him. after the close up the trailer then moves onto another scene in the film where there is a wide shot of all three of these characters sitting on a bed, and Paige's voice is playing over it saying "I think Justin hair could become quite cute.". Including a bit of flirting in the trailer would persuade those viewers who are fans of romantic films, so like they did previously in the trailer, they are trying to widen their target audience. another two shots are shown with these three just sitting on the bed then suddenly the trailer cuts to a shot of the floor and the door opening with someone walking in. As soon as the previous shot of the Justin, Mary and Paige on the bed changed to this shot their was a sharp sound that went with it. This dramatic sound alerts the viewer and tells them that something bad is going to happen or something is going to change. The trailer then cuts to a mid shot of three people standing at the door staring over at something and the man in the front shouts over "evening.". This music dramatically changes at this point in the trailer where it sounds like a door has been slammed and an erry noise is being played. The trailer then cuts to a mid shot of the boy and the two girls where they all had shocked expression of their face. The slamming of a door is used again on a close up shot of the blond girl. The shot then faces to a mid close up shot of the man talking to the boy, Justin. The man says to Justin, "You knew not to bring anyone back here" and then punches him in the privates. This shocks the two girls as they now realistic they are in dangers. The constantly slamming door noise and the eery sound effect in the back ground emphasizes this. This alerts the viewer as they start to think something back is going to happen, and they are eager to know what that is. the man then throw a news paper at the young boy which a front heading of 'Murderous rampage' with the mans face on the front. The trailer then cuts to a close up shot of the girls saying 'It has nothing to do with them.' and they start to panic while the man pulls out a knife saying 'sorry lady's, we just can't risk it'. during the time that the man pulls the knife out the same slamming door sound effect is used. This again alerts the viewer and creates tension as they wonder what will happen next. A series of shots are then shown of the brown haired girl trying to get out and someone slams her head again a sink to stop her. Then encourages a viewer to go and see the trailer as they want to know whether the girls get a way or not. The trailer then cuts to a few others shots of the girls being dragged into some woods. you then see a shot of the blond girl running away and diving into some water. Then people who are after them start shooting into the water. Using the gun shots noise the trailer cuts back to the three people who were after his. Cutting the shot there suggests to the viewer there am,y be a chance that the girl gets away, this would encourage them to go and see the film as they want to know what happens to her. The next shot include a black background with text saying 'It Was A Brutal Crime.'. The trailer then flashes to a high angle shot of the blond girl lying in a pool of water. This shot suggests to the viewer that the girl is still alive but by using a high angle shot it shows she is still in danger. During this shot a thunder sound effect is being used. This is used to alert the viewer and create excitement. The same 'Lake ends in the road' sign that is shown at the start is shown again. This shows the viewer that these people are heading towards the blond girls house. It then cuts to a shot of a door knocking and then these four people appearing through it. Using the same template the trailer includes text saying 'It Was A Place To Hide'. Using these templates gives away small sections of the film away. This encourages a viewer to go and see the film as they want to know what will happen next. It then cuts to a shot of the man making up some lie about why they were stuck in the woods and ended up at their house. The trailer then cuts to a shot of a photographs of the blond girl on the fridge. This shot confirms the viewers theory of this house being that girls house. The next shot shows the blond girl in the water is still alive, and the trailer alerts the viewer by using a booming thud noise. Then next few series of shots is showing the family allowing these people to stay in their guest house. Using the same template the text 'It Was The Wrong House' appears. again, the trailer gives away parts of the film suggests to the viewer what might happen. The trailer then cuts to a dark shot of the blond girl dragging herself onto the porch and slamming the chair against the door. Thunder sound effects are repeated played during the shot where the chair hits the door. This emphasizes the banging noise and alerts the viewer. Using lack of light in these shots make sit difficult for a viewer to see what is going on. This slightly confuses them and makes them want to see what happens. The two parents then find the girl and notice she has been shot. During these shots piano music starts to play. During the next series of shots we see and can hear that the parents discover that the people who shot their daughter are the ones who are in the guest house. You then see a close up of someone picking up a knife. This suggests to the viewer that the parents are going to go after this family and attempt to kill them. The piano music has sounded bridges over these shots. Using the same template text appears with the producers name. During this shot a women's voice starts singing over the piano noise. The trailer then cuts to a shot of the women in the shower then fades to a shot of the two people in the guest house looking for something carrying a knife. Using the same slamming door sound effect it the cuts to a long shot of the guest house. The trailer then cuts to a shot of one of the men discovering the blond girl who has been shot on the table. The next series of shots contain various scenes from the film where people are using guns or hitting someone. These shots cut in the rhythm of a gun being shot. The same template is shown again explaining when the film is being released. Another series of shots are played with the piano and women singing over the top. These show various shots through the film where people are being hurt. The trailer uses short cuts which shows the viewer that a lot is happening and the film is full of action. The template is used again but includes part of the tag line, 'If someone hurts someone you love...'. Another serious of shots from the film of people being hurt again are used and them a template is placed again. This template inlcudes the another part of the tag line, 'How far would you go'. The trailer them repeats the process of includes another series of shots from the trailer and includes another template with the rest of the tag line, 'To hurt them back'. another series from the film are used again with short cuts to show the viewer that the film in compact with action. It then cuts to a shot of the film title and a shot saying 'coming soon'. A long shot of the father and the man who shot the blond girl is then shown. This shot shows the father touching the man who shot his daughter. Having thins long shot as the ending for the trailer already suggests what happens in the ending. I think adding this in gives too much of the film away. There would be no point in watching the film if this is how it ends. The costume that the people are wearing in the trailer are modern clothes. The producers have decided the charters wear these clothes as the film is in this time. Also this makes the film seem more realistic which adds to the horror and the thrill of the whole trailer. It also adds to the frightening factor as the story would be more believable. Overall I think this trailer represents this film as a horror thriller compact with violent actions. This trailler would defiantly encourages those viewers who love horror thriller films. By the trailer including the ending of the film in the trailer could put some viewers off going to see the film as they would also ready know what happens in the end. The whole point in watching a trailer is to encourage someone to go and see the film by making them wonder what will happen next. This trailer gives the whole story line away, including the ending.